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Pi Delta Phi at SAMLA

The Pi Delta Phi Executive Board held it's 2016 meeting at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference in Jacksonville, Florida on November 4.

Board members present were (L-to-R): Drs. Evans, Fish, Angelini, and Amarie (photo by Dr. Renick).


In addition to the Board meeting, Phi Delta Phi sponsored two session. The first on Friday Nov. 4 was co-chaired by Drs. Evans and Angelini:

"France: Current Challenges from Within and Beyond Its Borders"

1. Julianna Blair Watson, Emory U "Subversive Marginality: Criminal Immigrants in Alain Mabanckou's Tais-toi et meurs." 2. Elenora Kelly McGahee, Georgia Southern U "The French Press: The Responsiblity of the Freedom of Speech." 3. Eileen M. Angelini & Beverly J. Evans "Union(s) and Désunion on the Eve of the Présidentielles."

Session one participants (L-to-R): Dr. Evans, Dr. Angelini, Dr. Watson, and Ms. McGahee.

The second sponsored session took place on Saturday, Nov. 5 and was chaired by Dr. Fish:

"Not Necessarily for Kids: Children and French Literatures"

1. E. Joe Johnson, Clayton State U "Robinsonnades and Children's Friendships in Nineteeth-Century French Literature."

3. Daphne McConnell, Benedictine C "Mapping Cultural Space and Identity in the Adolescent Novel of the Banlieue"

Session two participants (L-to-R): Drs. Fish, McConnell, and Johnson

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