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The name of this society shall be Pi Delta Phi.




The purpose of this society shall be to recognize outstanding scholarship in the French language and Francophone literatures, to increase the knowledge and appreciation of Americans for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world and to stimulate and to encourage French and francophone cultural activities.




The motto of this society shall be: Probaínomen Diakritoi Philogálatoi which means Avançons, amis fidèles de la culture française.




Any group of students and/or teachers of French at an accredited college or university may apply to the National President for affiliation with Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society. Students who submit a letter of interest should include the name and email address of a French faculty member who has agreed to serve as Chapter Moderator. The Qualifications for a chapter are: a major or minor in French or French studies—or related major or minor in Romance or Modern Foreign Languages, Global or International Studies, etc.—that requires students to complete a minimum of two advanced-level courses taught in French (beyond the intermediate series of classes).




All applications and preliminary correspondence regarding affiliation with the Society should be directed to the National President who will send pertinent information.


The completed application, to be submitted to the National President, includes: (1) the name, contact information, and e-mail address of the faculty member who will serve as Moderator of the new chapter; (2) a photocopy of the institution's catalog page (or URL of appropriate school webpage) that attests to the institution's accreditation; (3) a letter from the head of the French section of the sponsoring institution that assures the school's support of Pi Delta Phi and that describes briefly how a chapter of the Society might enhance the French program and/or the mission or goals of the department or institution; (4) a letter from the college or university President (or Dean, Provost or other appropriate administrative officer) indicating that the school officially approves affiliation with Pi Delta Phi; and (5) a single check in the amount of $150.00 for the engraved charter and the official banner. Upon receipt of the application, the President will act upon the request.  Should the application not be approved, the $150.00 will be returned.


Once the President has established the eligibility of the institution applying for affiliation, the appropriate regional Vice President will be directed to contact the new Chapter Moderator and to select a date for the installation of the chapter.  The Regional Vice President will forward the installation date to the President.




Membership in Pi Delta Phi is open to all, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or disability, provided that each candidate meets the academic requirements of the Society.  Membership is lifetime.


There are two categories of membership: regular and honorary.


Regular membership. This category includes undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in a degree program at the sponsoring institution who shall be nominated in recognition of their academic achievement in at least one semester of upper-division French (i.e. beyond the intermediate-level series of courses). Undergraduate students who are candidates for regular membership shall be of at least sophomore standing (second year) with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in French courses, a minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and rank in the top 35% of their class. By grade point average, Pi Delta Phi understands a 4.0 scale that includes plus and minus grades. Colleges or Universities that use an alternative system of grading should contact the National President for assistance and further information. Graduate students who are not already members of Pi Delta Phi are eligible for regular membership. Graduate students who are candidates for regular membership shall have completed two graduate courses in French and have a minimum grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in graduate coursework. Undergraduate and graduate students from neighboring institutions who take French courses at the sponsoring institution are not eligible for regular membership, but may be nominated for honorary membership.


Honorary membership. This category includes the French faculty of the sponsoring institution who are not already members of Pi Delta Phi; members of the faculty at large; students who do not meet the requirements for regular membership; college or university alumni who did not become members while attending the sponsoring institution; and diplomats, community and business leaders who have demonstrated support of the French language, and/or of the cultures and literatures of the French-speaking world.




The pin (key) is the same for regular and honorary members. A certificate given to all members at the same initiation indicates the category of membership. Blue, white and red graduation cords are available and may be worn by both regular and honorary members.




Regular members may vote, hold office in the chapter, and represent their chapter at official meetings of the Society. All members may attend national functions. Only college or university faculty who are members of Pi Delta Phi and currently teach French full-time are eligible for national office. The Society shall especially encourage applicants for National Office who are full-time tenured or full-time tenure-track faculty.




The National Officers of the Society form the Executive Board that includes the President, the President Designate, the Immediate Past President, the regional Vice Presidents, the Executive Director, and the Newsletter Editor.  All members of the Executive Board attend the annual meeting.


Duties of the Executive Board:


President: The President is the official representative of the Society and is responsible for its growth. This officer organizes and presides at board meetings and at national meetings. The President is an ex officio member of all committees and appoints the Executive Director and Newsletter Editor, with the approval of the Board.


President Designate and Immediate Past President: The President-Designate shall serve for two years as a consultant on all matters of importance to the Society. The Executive Board may choose to ask the Immediate Past President to serve for one year as a consultant on all matters of importance to the Society.


Regional Vice-Presidents: The Vice Presidents promote the expansion of the Society in their respective regions, endeavor to be in contact with all chapters included in their geographical areas, install new chapters, and serve on the scholarship committee.


Executive Director: Appointed by the National President, the Executive Director is responsible for keeping the permanent records of the Society. The Executive Director chairs the scholarship committee, submits an annual report of major decisions made by the Board, and provides chapters with the official banner, pins, certificates, and graduation cords.


Newsletter Editor: The Editor of the Newsletter is responsible for collecting chapter news and for publishing the Newsletter.




The official publication of the Society is the Newsletter, published and distributed to all chapters biannually.




Prior to the initiation, each chapter sends to the Executive Director the national dues determined by the Board.  Each chapter may, at its discretion, determine the amount of local or chapter dues.




The term of the Faculty Moderator's office is indefinite. Duties of the Moderator are: (1) to represent the chapter at its own institution, and at national meetings when possible; (2) to advise and to support all activities of the chapter; (3) to be responsible for the annual election of any student officers; (4) to submit an annual report to the Executive Director; (5) to keep accurate and up-to-date records and to assure that such records and all information of the Society are given to the succeeding moderator.




National meetings of the Society shall be organized periodically by the Executive Board to discuss matters pertaining to the welfare of the Society, to provide educational opportunities and to allow members from various chapters to come to know one another.




The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the chapters; each chapter shall receive one vote.


DATE OF FINAL REVISION: ratified by Decision of the National Executive Board, November 4, 2016; approved via vote of chapter moderators December 12, 2016.


© Copyright 2017 Pi Delta Phi, the National French Honor Society


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