Interested in starting a chapter of Pi Delta Phi on your campus? Please first read our How to Apply brochure, then contact the National President.
Pi Delta Phi does not reply to solicitation email and does not accept requests for advertisements or promotions requests of any kind.
Chapter Moderators: for questions about your order, please contact the Executive Director.
Current Students: lost your pin? Need a set of honor cords? Contact your Chapter Moderator.
Alumni: wish to purchase a replacement pin? Write to the Executive Director and provide:
your full name (including maiden name)
school and chapter
year you graduated
the year in which you were inducted as a member (if known)
your return mailing address
a check in the amount of $10.00 made payable to Pi Delta Phi; the cost includes packaging and U.S. shipping (contact the Executive Director for additional fees if international shipping is required).
Use the following contact form only for general questions about PDP; select the above links for the contact addresses of the President and Executive Director.