Christiane Taubira inducted into Pi Delta Phi
Chapter Mu Gamma at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee had the distinct honor of inducting Madame Christiane Taubira into Pi Delta Phi as an honorary member on January 30, 2016. Madame Taubira—who has served as a member of the European Parliament, in the French National Assembly, and as Minister of Justice in France—was on the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus to receive an Honorary Doctorate of Laws and Human Rights. She spoke with great eloquence, to an audience of about 150 invited guests, on the history of justice and human rights, on the role that France and the United States have played in promoting them, and on the importance of maintaining a constant vigilance to preserve and expand justice and human rights throughout the world. The photo above shows Madame Christiane Taubira with UW-Milwaukee French Program faculty members Larry Kuiper (L) and Nicolas Russell (R).