Editor Emerita, Newsletter, 1992-2017
Karen Renick, Ph.D.
Dr. Renick received her B.A. from Occidental College in Los Angeles, her M.A. from the Sorbonne/Middlebury, and her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California. Her doctoral dissertation was entitled The Role of Women in the Works of Villiers de l'Ile Adam. Dr. Renick teaches at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California where she served as department chair for thirty years. She joined the Executive Board of Pi Delta Phi 1992 and replaced the outgoing Editor Dr. Judith Barban. Dr. Renick has taught a wide variety of French language, literature and civilization courses, received several grants including multiple FACE awards for the Tournées Festival film series, and has a distinguished record of local, regional and national service.